| 免费搜索引擎登陆入口大全-中文 by 无情 |
| 引擎登陆入口大全-中文
Google 英文搜索引擎免费登录入口
登录口:http://www.google.c ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/3783.html - 2009年3月17日 |
| Google to Offer Ads Based on Interests by lalalu |
| rough its AdSense program. Google will assign those users to categories based on the content of the pages they visit. For example, a user may be pegged as a potential car buyer, sports enthusiast or expectant mother.
Google will then use that information to show people ads that are relevant to thei ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/3707.html - 2009年3月13日 |
| 电脑奴隶们,保护眼睛! by x2x |
| ERNET选项(INTERNET OPTIONS),点右下角的 辅助功能(Assessibility),然后勾选 不使用网页中指定的颜色(ignore colors specified on web pages),然后点“OK”退出。
原文: http://www.green-web.org/infocenter/show.php?id=19739 ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/1106.html - 2009年1月15日 |
| Google Sites 正式推出中文版 by 纵云 |
| 上周,Google Sites 官方 Blog 正式宣布,已支持 37 种语言版本,其中包括简体中文。Google Sites 的中文名定名为"协作平台" ,谷歌中国(G.cn)已经将他的链接放进了首页的下拉"更多"菜单中,这意味着,Google Sites 已经正式进入中国。
协作平台的前身是著名的"谷歌个人主页"(Google Pages),免费向用户提供。今年二月,Google 推出了 Google Sites,整合 Google 旗下的 Picasa Web、Docs、在线日历和 Gtalk 等功能,提供一个综合而便捷的解决方案以及网页编辑功能:
• 一键式页面创建
• 不需要 H ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/2516.html - 2008年10月31日 |
| 14 Rules for Faster-Loading Web Sites by hgta |
| These rules are the key to speeding up your web pages. They've been tested on some of the most popular sites on the Internet and have successfully reduced the response times of those pages by 25-50%.
The key insight behind these best practices is the realization that only 10-20% of the total end-u ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/1730.html - 2008年7月30日 |
| 如何修改你房间的缩略图 by 纵云 |
| 1. 点击右边按钮下面数上来第二个 edit current room
2. 选择第二个tab -- web pages
3. 点击 save thumbnail, 就会保存你当前画面为缩略图了
好了 选一个你房间最精彩的画面,保存吧
好看的缩略图 有助于你的房间在Roomslist里的吸引力哦 ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/1579.html - 2008年7月20日 |
| Link schemes by UFO |
| quality and popularity. However, some webmasters engage in link exchange schemes and build partner pages exclusively for the sake of cross-linking, disregarding the quality of the links, the sources, and the long-term impact it will have on their sites. This is in violation of Google's webmaster gu ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/116.html - 2008年5月9日 |
| Piwik:基于PHP技术构建的开源网页访问统计系统 by 安静 |
| icense) web analytics software. It gives interesting reports on your website visitors, your popular pages, the search engines keywords they used, the language they speak… and so much more.
piwik aims to be an open source alternative to Google Analytics.
piwik is different from the competition be ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/629.html - 2008年4月9日 |