看看你的身手做不做到又帅又酷的洒吧伙记~ by CD | |
上下空格控制~ 不要忘记回收空杯子哟~ ... | | - 2008年7月4日 | |
火影忍者naruto406情报 by henry | |
read the code. *Everybody comes into the room *It won’t just be Kakashi who’ll protect Naruto. Everyone says that they will protect him. *That’s all for this week. 注意,这只是情报。 ... | | - 2008年7月1日 | |
polasky-oneday by fennel | |
见鬼了 怎么尺寸不一的???大家将就着看吧 哦也! all by pola2000 copyright@fennel ... | | - 2008年6月30日 | |
终于把它抱回家啦^^ by winniedapooh | |
Easter 刚过,店里的东西开始打折啦~ 卡卡卡 我把我的easter barista bear带回家啦! 买了两只,跟我honey一人一只 刚见到它的时候就觉得很搞笑~ 一之装兔子的熊~ 哈哈哈 我一直都有收藏starbucks 毛毛玩具,barista bear 当然不能错过啦~ 不过新一季的熊没有很好看的说=='' 两只装蝴蝶的熊还没摆上架,不过被我偷拍他们了~卡卡~ "我是复活节兔子" "好吧,我认了.其实是一只熊..." "万胜还有很久才到的说....现在装还早呢==" "请叫我 Jay Bear." "........" "还是这么帅." 先来个大合照 ... | | - 2008年6月29日 | |
我好喜欢这手机 by 隐藏人物 | |
这才是真正的触摸手机? iPhone?不算! 我喜欢这台手机的简单和极致,我想闭着眼睛也能很舒服地用吧? 但是貌似只能通电话?没有显示屏…… 要是以后能有投影显示地手机,就赞了。 ... | | - 2008年6月27日 | |
One More Chance by echo | |
歌手的资料没有找到,好象是今年美国的一个新人,好象还唱过美国偶像第七季淘汰曲Hollywood's Not America,是个未出唱片就出名的歌手呢 Always knew I have one it takes 我知道我曾经拥有 All I ever had once I had 如果我曾经拥有的能够重来 Ever knew I paid that what can FAID 我曾经付出的可能会褪色。。。 I wanna be back there again 我希望再回到那里 Life goes on 生命在继续 The journey is on 旅途再继续 When you ... | | - 2008年6月25日 | |
each and every one by fennel | |
don't brag how you have changed And everything's been rearranged I thought all that was over and done But I still get the same from Each and Everyone Being kind is just a way to keep me under your thumb and I can cry because that's something we've always done you tell me I'm free of the past n ... | | - 2008年6月24日 | |
apologise from edison by Izzie | |
my responsibility. During the past few weeks, I have been with my mother and my family and my loved ones to show support and care and at the same time to have them support and care for me. 核心词汇解析 account for 1) 说明,解释;2) 占…比例 escape from从…逃脱, 推卸责任 escape=es(ex=out) + cape( ... | | - 2008年6月18日 | |
让人无法不爱上的 KDE 4.0 绝美壁纸系列 by 15 | |
Fields of Peace by Kenneth Wimer Ladybuggin’ by Rick Hanley Leaf’s Labyrinth by Riccardo Iaconelli There’s Rain On The Table by Riccardo Iaconelli Red Leaf by Joseph Connors Skeeter Hawk by Tracy Sprader Emotion by Vlad Gerasimov EOS by Vlad Gerasimov via1:LinuxToy - KDE 4.0 壁纸系 ... | | - 2008年6月18日 | |
Super Mario Brothers Flash by 隐藏人物 | |
Super Mario Brothers Flash | | - 2008年6月17日 | |