| One More Chance by echo |
| nd smile because you
Gave me one more chance
因为 你又给了我一次机会
And to I have none
And the day when that fall
Was a moment I need it I’m afraid
I need it I’m afraid
You give me one more one
more chance to living
You ggive me one more one
more chance to read ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/977.html - 2008年6月25日 |
| apologise from edison by Izzie |
| Today I have come back to Hong Kong to stand before you and account for myself. I have never escaped from my responsibility. During the past few weeks, I have been with my mother and my family and my loved ones to show support and care and at the same time to have them support and care for me.
... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/1078.html - 2008年6月18日 |
| Polaroid Letter by 隐藏人物 |
| As time goes by...
Never end, To be continue...
More polaroid photos here: POLAFOTO - Polaroid Blog Network ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/493.html - 2008年6月10日 |
| 402!火影忍者naruto 402话 最新图文情报 by henry |
| けど分身の術で逃げるのはずるいよ ね!?」
(Evening) While eating dinner Sasuke asks his dad, “We played hide and seek today but I think using bunshin no jutsu to run away is sly!”
Father: Oh, he can use already make a bunshin?
Sasuke: Teach me bunshin too!
Mother: Homework.
I ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/928.html - 2008年5月30日 |
| MySQL Server is Open Source, even Backup extensions by 纵云 |
| As reported yesterday from CommunityOne:
MySQL Server is and will always remain fully functional and open source,
so will the MySQL Connectors, and
so will the main storage engines we ship.
In addition:
MySQL 6.0’s pending backup functionality will be open source,
the MyISAM driver for MySQL ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/790.html - 2008年5月9日 |
| Google搜索技巧之(2):Filetype by 纵云 |
| “inurl: pdf 危机公关方案”。搜索结果数量大致相同,不过查询结果顺序则略有很大差别。
有同事过生日的时候,你也会想着发一个生日的电子贺卡,使用SWF文件搜索就可以了。输入: birthday filetype:swf,你就可以得到网上流传的所有关于生日的flash了。使用“filetype:”语法,你可以搜索到能直接下载的Flash歌曲,MTV,而不必使用专门的搜索下载工具。
转自:http://www.qiexing.com/post/833.html ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/780.html - 2008年5月8日 |
| 推荐两个图床 by Izzie |
| net
20MB Trial
Capacity:HK$0 / US$0 (30 days trial period)
Photo resolution limit:unlimited
还有一款是100 MB的
不过Photo resolution limit是640×640。
然后将这个网址记住 (选 Direct link to ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/545.html - 2008年5月1日 |
| Piwik:基于PHP技术构建的开源网页访问统计系统 by 安静 |
| ur website!
You can very easily embed your graphs in your blog or website or dashboard:
. Last 30 days visits
. Browsers families - bar chart
. Countries - pie chart
官方网站: http://piwik.org
DEMO地址: http://piwik.org/demo/
下载地址: http://piwik.org/last.zip ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/629.html - 2008年4月9日 |
| lullaby for a stormy night by Izzie |
| thunder explodes and lightning flash
illuminates your tear-stained face
I am here tonight
and someday you'll know
that nature is so
the same rain that draws you near me
falls on rivers and land
on forests and sand
makes the beautiful world that you'll see
in the morning
little child, be not afrai ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/624.html - 2008年4月8日 |
| 致敬17岁 by fennel |
| hy & after school the time
that's what i call my own time
nice girls meet nice boys end of school day
while other girls go strait home
talking 'bout soaps'n' that
i go home alone
like it watching the nameless people
surfing subways, travelling somewhere
now i'm seventeen ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/438.html - 2008年3月28日 |