| 3 free WPMU DEV yearly memberships up for grabs by 纵云 |
| 3 free WPMU DEV yearly memberships up for grabs!
Just a few months ago we gave away 5 yearly subscriptions (each worth $419) to celebrate our 100th release, and now, for Christmas, we're giving away another three
Here's how you win one, it's really easy but make sure you follow all three steps t ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/4797.html - 2009年12月9日 |
| 8种免费开源PHP商城系统介绍 by hgta |
| Sometimes you can not afford to get a custom shopping cart coded, the perfect solution to this situation is to get the best of the Open Source Shopping Carts.
We have used, reviewed and tries our hands on plenty of open source shopping carts and put together a list of the best carts. Following are ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/4761.html - 2009年11月7日 |
| 一个专门量尺寸的air程序 by 隐藏人物 |
| http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/marketplace/index.cfm?event=marketplace.offering&marketplaceid=1&offeringid=10177 |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/4609.html - 2009年9月22日 |
| 广州拉丁餐厅正佳店 by 纵云 |
| 商铺名称 广州拉丁餐厅正佳店
地址 广东省广州市天河区天河路228号三楼3A001-002
The Latin Music & Brazil Grill
广州拉丁餐厅是经营正宗巴西烧烤及拉丁音乐为主的特色连锁餐厅,总店设在广州市建设六马路29-31号荣建大厦三楼。走进广州拉丁餐厅,浓郁的异国风情包围了你:狂热的拉丁音乐,异国狂野风情的壁画,还有热情的巴西美女,这一切,都让您恍置于南美洲。个个高大威猛的侍应生,举着长长的烤肉叉穿梭之间,将一道道不同部位的牛三角肉、巴西黑椒肠、培根卷等美味佳肴,轮流送到您的面前。在热情奔放的拉丁旋律中尽情品尝着原汁原味的巴西烧烤美食, ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/4114.html - 2009年9月11日 |
| 你没见过的120种网站开发新工具 by henry |
| Last year we did a post on Web development tools. A lot has changed in the past year, and there are tons of new tools available to developers. Options include drag-and-drop application builders, code repositories, project management and testing apps, and frameworks for working with a variety of codi ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/4271.html - 2009年7月9日 |
| Google to Offer Ads Based on Interests by lalalu |
| Google will begin showing ads on Wednesday to people based on their previous online activities in a form of advertising known as behavioral targeting, which has been embraced by most of its competitors but has drawn criticism from privacy advocates and some members of Congress.
Susan Walsh/Associ ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/3707.html - 2009年3月13日 |
| [暴强!]奥巴马演讲,文言文英文对照 by fennel |
| Hello,Chicago!
If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
余尝闻世人有疑,不知当 ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/2674.html - 2008年12月2日 |
| each and every one by fennel |
| EBTG的老歌
If you ever feel the time to drop me a loving line
maybe you should just think twice
I don't wait around on your advice
You tell me I can go this far, but no more
Try to show me heaven and then slam the door
You offer shelter at a price much too dear
And your kind of love's the kind ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/1218.html - 2008年6月24日 |
| MySQL Server is Open Source, even Backup extensions by 纵云 |
| As reported yesterday from CommunityOne:
MySQL Server is and will always remain fully functional and open source,
so will the MySQL Connectors, and
so will the main storage engines we ship.
In addition:
MySQL 6.0’s pending backup functionality will be open source,
the MyISAM driver for MySQL ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/790.html - 2008年5月9日 |
| 河國榮told you:The Problem with Starbucks by 隐藏人物 |
| 转一篇香港艺人河国荣写的关于星巴克的blog,The Problem with Starbucks
Starbucks' stock (SBUX) is collapsing, and I think I know why. People are drinking less Starbucks.
(Me at the Starbucks restaurant in Farmers Market, taken while studying at the Lee Strasberg Instit ... |
| bbs.geekaa.com/topic/view/785.html - 2008年5月9日 |